From previous segment, I get one new idiom. Now, in this segment, the new idiom that I learned was “blood sweat tears”. The meaning of the idiom was full of hard work and struggle in doing something difficult. The example of using this idiom: this house is the result of three years blood sweat and tears. Another example is there will be much blood sweat and tears before we have completed this project.Its meaning is full of struggle and hard work in a difficult situation.
1. This house is the resourt of teirs blood and teirs.
2. There will be much blood sweat and teirs be earned collage funly be great.
3. After years of blood sweat and teirs soft if che having to you.
In this segment, speaker said
about a guy who hold a new world record for something crazy and stupid.
Well, I've seen the video before listening to this segment,
(coincidence? I don't think so). I must give my applause to this guy for
a stupid and crazy thing he do. But do a bungee jumping from 75 meters
above the ground just to dipping his biscuit into a cup of tea? Not all
people want to do that thing for Guinness Book of World Record. There
are more safety things you can do for Guinness Book of World Record.
Incomplete resume